Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weight Loss for the Time Crunched

Ephesians 5:15-17 “So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the lord wants you to do.” NLT

“People do what they want to do,” my daddy always said. If I heard it once, I heard it a hundred times. And as I’ve grown, I realize that he is all too correct. For years, I made the excuse that I couldn’t exercise regularly because I just didn’t have enough time. I homeschool my children, I also work in the evenings, for years we pastored churches, and I have a home to clean, bills to pay, groceries to buy, meals to cook, errands to run.... But it’s funny that I always had time for television, and the internet, and Facebook, and going shopping and to movies. In fact, I could always make time for recreation when the opportunity arose.

While I do live a legitimately busy life, I’ve always been able, somehow, to make time for the things I want to do. My daddy’s quote is all too true. People do what they want to do. If people want to read their Bibles and pray, they do it. If people want to skip church to sleep in, they do it. People’s actions define their priorities. If you want to know where you stand in any given relationship, think of where you stand on their list of priorities. 

We live in a society that screams loudly that you should put self first. We don’t mind at all going to buy a new outfit, having our hair done, and getting a mani/pedi. But for some reason when it comes to our health, we often put that on the back burner and stick our heads in the sand...especially when we’re younger. In my years of ministry, I’ve visited countless older adults in hospitals, nursing homes, and in their own homes to have them tell me that they’d wished they’d taken better care of themselves. Diabetes, heart disease, and a plethora of other health issues can be avoided if we only put forth the effort when we’re younger (and keep at it when we’re older) to take care of our bodies that God has created.

But we serve a God whom we put first...before even ourselves. We serve Him and love Him because He loved us first. Jesus gave His life for us, and for that, I will ever worship and serve Him. But that same God we serve created us. He created our bodies in His image. Doesn’t serving Him mean caring for His creation?

In Chapter 5 of Ephesians, Paul discusses living in the Spirit and by the Spirit. Paul admonishes the Ephesians not to live like fools, for they have no understanding of Him and a life in Him. He tells them to be wise, making the most of every opportunity. Paul tells those in Colosse the same thing in Colossians 4:5, making it somewhat of a theme in his epistles. Could it be that Paul knew that we have a tendency to procrastinate even on things that are important? 

Everyday, I am given opportunities to witness to others about what Christ has done for me, and I’m thankful for those. It gives me a chance to share His love that He has bestowed upon me, and if I allow Him, He can work through me to change those around me. 

Likewise, we have opportunities to care for our bodies every day. Some days are busier than others, I know, but be honest. Is there time spent on recreation and just flat-out laziness that could be better channeled into physical activity? Could you work out while you watch television? I’ll be honest; this is what I do! 

If we spend time taking care of His temple, we will be in a better to place mentally and emotionally to care for our families, our ministries, and those around us. It’s amazing how much more efficient I’ve found myself to be once I’ve worked out for the day. Most of all, my time with Him helps me to focus on everything else, including my health. He centers me and gives me hope and peace, knowing that with Him, I can accomplish anything.

Where could you carve out more time to give to Him, first, and to care for His creation?

Encouragement for Today
Colossians 4:5 “Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.” NLT

Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” NLT

Matthew 6:33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” NLT

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