Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Little Boy's Lunch

This morning I awoke with a migraine. Today is NOT the day to have a migraine.

This summer, I have the unique privilege of watching a 6 year old boy while his parents work during the day. In addition to my own 2 kids and Nolan, I was to be joined this morning by a couple of other kids for our Backyard Bible School. BBS meets at my house this week, and today's craft was especially physically taxing for me. Paint was involved...enough said.

When I came downstairs, I immediately took some Aleve, hoping that the pain would subside enough for me to function. Aleve didn't really seem to interested in helping me out, but I trudged through the morning anyway, hoping I could just get through BBS.

The time came.

I started the lesson which was centered around the Scriptures where Jesus feeds the multitude, by blessing the boy's lunch of fish and bread. The point I tried to make to the kids was two-fold. The same God who performed the miracle of making the food stretch enough to feed 5000 with some left over, is the same God we still serve today. If he can make a boy's lunch stretch, He can do miracles with what we have to offer as well.

The second point I made to the kids is that God cares about every little detail of our lives...even right down to the lunch menu. Nothing is too insignificant for God to care about and respond.

As I tried to keep my head from splitting open, I realized that right then and there, God was doing just those miracles in me. He took what little I had to offer this morning and stretched it, and He blessed it! Not only that, God cares that my head hurts! There's really no reason for the heaches. They just come and go as they please. I really don't have any control over them, but He does!

Back to the blessing of the lesson part...   A 6 year old girl responded! The pressures that kids face to today are tremendous. She apparently was having a hard time and accepted the promise today of a loving God who cares, understands, and responds to our needs.

God is faithful! And I praise His Name!

P. S. My headache is almost all gone!