Monday, June 29, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fit Faith

I have been absolutely overwhelmed with the success of my new Book Fit Faith. I wrote it with the desire to share Scriptures and truths that helped me through my weight loss journey, in hopes that it would inspire others as well with what God can do. You can order your's too through the link to the left on Amazon.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Deuteronomy 11:19 “You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” ESV

Today is my parents’ 40th anniversary. It doesn’t seem possible in many ways, the chiefest of being that it means they’re getting older. To me, my daddy has always been strong, able-bodied, and steadfast. The fact that they’re getting older pains me. I have to confess, the following thought has crossed my mind more than a few times: When they die, who will pray for me? From my earliest memories, I recall family prayer time, prayers around the table, prayers by the bedside of our sick family members (including me), and a confident assurance of their faith in God. For whatever need we are/were facing, they always have complete faith that God will come through. The spiritual heritage I have is incredible, and I strive every day to pass it on to my children. 

I love the direction given in our Scripture today. We often joke that kids don’t come with instruction manuals, but in a way, we already have the instruction manual. All we have to do is take every available opportunity to teach them about Christ, live it out in our own lives, and trust God to lead and guide them. 

From the time my husband I realized we were going to be parents, we have tried to live out Deuteronomy 11:19 with our children. We talk about our faith, trust, and hope in God every chance we get and are careful to give God glory for all that He does in our lives. Our home is filled with reminders of His Word, music that exalts Him, and opportunities for them to learn about Him. Let me be clear before I go on. NOTHING in this world is more important or can substitute for a spiritual heritage. God designed our society to live in families from the beginning of creation. And He has been clear in His Word that spiritual training is of utmost importance to our children’s upbringing. We only get one chance to raise our children; there are no do-over’s, and we’ve got to get this part right. They desperately need to know that God’s Son died to save them and that His blood will give them strength for whatever they may face in life.

As I’ve grown in my relationship with Christ, and He has confronted me with my need to care for the body He created, I realize that my children also need a physical heritage. The culture in which we live pushes its agenda upon our children to make themselves happy. Whatever feels good, tastes good, looks good, and is comforting must be good, right? Wrong. Our children will not exercise or choose to eat healthy on their own. Let’s face it. When faced with the decision to eat a iced, sprinkle-topped cupcake or apple slices, which one looks more appealing to a child? When faced with the decision to play video games on the couch or ride their bicycle on a hot day, which would you choose? We’ve got to take opportunities to encourage them to care for their bodies, secondary to their souls.

If we are going to raise our children to follow Christ, they need good vehicles with which to minister. I ministered for many years in a broken vehicle, and it was hard. The funny thing about it is, I really didn’t realize how hard life was until I was no longer overweight. How much more I could’ve done for the cause of Christ if I had the energy I have today! How much more I could’ve done for the cause of Christ if I had felt this good all of those years I wasted. 

So as we walk along the walking trail at the park, ride along on our bicycles on the bike trail, and eat healthy dinners together around the table, we talk of God’s goodness. We talk about God’s protection before we get much-needed rest at night, and we pray together, trusting God for our future and praising Him for our past. All the while, we endeavor to model healthy living. I think God is pleased.

Encouragement for Today
Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward.” ESV

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” ESV

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you might declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” NIV

I was a pretty smart kid. I always made good grades, and I typically got awards, being recognized and rewarded for my academic achievements in my school. I was pretty confident too in my intellect, owning my identity as a smart kid and always being capable of catching on when others may have struggled. I was good at art too, and music, but there was one area where I didn’t excel....P. E. I loathed P. E. 

Looking back, I realize that P. E. must’ve not been much of a priority at our school because we only had to go once a month! Oh, but that dreaded once-a-month P. E. class was torture. With a fast heartbeat and a slow trickle of sweat, I stood on the sidelines, always hoping that today, this day, I wouldn’t be picked last. Kickball was always the sport of choice, mainly because, that’s all the equipment the school owned. But that once-a-month kickball session was enough for me to decide that sports just wasn’t my area of achievement. I wan’t good at it, I didn’t feel confident, and I certainly would never be picked as a team captain. That one 45-minute game was enough to ruin my entire day and my self-confidence. Just the thought in the morning before school that I would have to go to P. E. that day was enough for me to fake sick and beg to stay home. 

In our Scripture, Peter is encouraging Christians who are undergoing incredible persecution to remember whose they are. While they are enduring these times of insult and ridicule, they are tempted to retaliate, or worse, turn their backs on their Christianity. Peter knew that their frustrations were discouraging, so he encourages them to view their treatment as an opportunity to testify for Jesus Christ. Peter reminds them of their identity in Christ...chosen, royal, God’s possession. And because of their status in God’s sight, they can declare His praises, the one who has redeemed them from darkness to light. They have been set free from the old meaningless life, where they wandered day in and day out, just surviving. Now they thrive, knowing that this life on earth is only temporary, but given to us to prepare us for what’s to come.

As I look back on those times of embarrassment and nervousness in fifth grade P. E., I wish I could’ve talked my 10-year old self into understanding that this stage was only temporary and that my identity didn’t lie in my inabilities. I wish I could’ve assured that little girl that sometime in the future, that awkward stage would go away and that God could turn something of uncertainty into a testimony of what God can do. 

There are still times when I feel awkward, as I attempt new physical endeavors. Most of the time, new exercises don’t come naturally, and I have to work harder than other coordinated people. But the fact that I’m not naturally gifted in the physical exercise area only adds to my testimony of how God can work in a person’s life. He gives me strength, encourages me daily, and gives me the desire to honor Him with my body. Because of His work in my heart, my desire now is to please Him in every area. That’s my identity in Christ. I’m so glad that my identity isn’t wrapped up in my intellect, my lack of success on the kickball field, or my physical capabilities. It’s the fact that I am chosen, dearly loved, and a part of a royal priesthood. I have been called to declare His praises to has brought me from darkness into His truly marvelous light!

Encouragement for Today
Hosea 14:7 “My people will again live under my shade. They will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines. They will be as fragrant as the wines of Lebanon.” NLT

Romans 5:10-11 “For since our friendship wit God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.” NLT