Friday, March 13, 2015


Psalm 107: 6-9 “Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he rescued them from their distress. He led them straight to safety, to a city where they could live. Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them. For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” NLT

Every day was cause for celebration, and everyday was cause for grief. One would think that if they knew my eating habits before. Judging by what I consumed, I was either celebrating or grieving...every. single. day. I ate when I was glad, sad, mad, proud, angry, hurt, happy, and bored. Bored. Most of it was boredom. Some of it was recreation. Parts of it was just to drawn the problems away by distracting myself with food. I have eaten to the point of pain on several occasions, and I never could get a handle on it. Another problem is that I’m a pretty decent cook and prided myself on making true southern dishes from scratch. Biscuits, gravy, chicken and dumplings, fried pork chops, fried squash, homemade mashed potatoes, and if I happened to be tired one night...fried bologna. You get the idea. Not only was the food unhealthy, but the portions were bad too. What’s more, I would even eat stuff that I didn’t even like. I don’t like chocolate, yet, on the very day that I realized that I had to change, I was eating Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 

I hope all of this hasn’t made you hungry but see the common thread here. Self-destruction seemed to be my end game. From the outside looking in, others saw a strong independent woman that served God. Parts of that statement were true. I am strong, independent, and I served God, but there’s more to my story. Way more. Inside I was a scared, frightened, embarrassed, lonely little girl that had been rejected by far too many people that claimed to love God too. They didn’t like me, and quite honestly, I didn’t like me either.

Like the Psalmist here, I cried to the Lord in true distress. He alone would have to help me. “Lord, help!” I cried too. And like Israel, He rescued me. He led me to safety. What I had always classified as a physical problem was actually a spiritual one. The physical aspect of my life was just a symptom of what was really going on spiritually. I felt that if other Christians couldn’t love me, then I must be unlovable, and therefore, God must not take much stock in me either. I wouldn’t have admitted it to anyone, but in my despair, that’s how I truly felt. I was unlovable. Even in my service to Him, I always felt that I had to apologize to certain groups just because of my calling and my gender. It was only when I allowed God to take total control of my life that He satisfied my thirst and filled me with good things...both spiritually and physically. I no longer turn to food for comfort. I turn to Him. He has truly delivered me from my distress. And I will praise the Lord for His great love and the wonderful things He has done for me.

When we turn to anything or anyone else other than God for comfort and fulfillment, we will always come up empty. And when we turn to anyone or anything other than God to soothe our souls and find satisfaction, we will only find death and destruction. 

As I do my best to live a healthy life, I remind myself that it is only in Christ that I will find true satisfaction. Cravings are hard. But God is good. When I’m hungry, I eat healthy food. When I’m bored, I read His word. When I feel rejected by other people, I turn to the one who always accepts me.

What about you? Where do you turn for comfort and satisfaction? Do you separate your physical life from your spiritual relationship with God? He created our bodies, and He loves us extravagantly. Let Him fill you with good things!

Encouragement for Today
John 6:35 “Jesus replied, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” NLT

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