Monday, March 9, 2015

It's My Birthday!

Isaiah 6:8 “The I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Who shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me.’” 

Today is my birthday. I’m 35 years old, a nice, round number. Last night my husband took me shopping to get some new clothes, since this is the first springtime I’ve been this size. I needed some new clothes. Birthdays are funny, though. Typically, in our culture, birthdays are filled with cake, ice cream, relaxation, doing fun things, and birthday wishes from Facebook. They are certainly rarely seen as a time to get healthy. Holidays in general always are times that mark another year’s passing. Sometimes they come quickly, and sometimes they seem to creep by, depending on the year you’ve experienced. There may be an empty chair for the first time, or there may be a new addition to the family. One thing is common though. They’re usually filled with food. 

Over the past couple of years though, my husband and I have tried to find new ways to celebrate birthdays and holidays. This year, on my birthday, I choose to mark the anniversary of my entry into the world with reflections and goal setting for the next 35 years. You see, today is also the anniversary of my calling to ministry, 19 years ago. Almost two decades have passed, and I look back with a mixture of emotions from joy to pain. Lots of years were spent preparing for ministry, but a huge chunk of it was spent serving. So I have to beg the question, “What will I do in the next 35 years?”

Isaiah 6:8 has been my life verse since that day I dedicated my life to Christ for His purposes. Isaiah is seeing a vision of God, exalted on His throne, and even the seraphim are proclaiming His Holiness, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty! The earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah feels overcome with his sin, and is certain that he is doomed because here he is, sinful, in the presence of a Holy God. But God in His holiness, cleanses Isaiah from his sin, and makes him acceptable to be the presence of the Almighty God! The Lord then asks who will go for Him. Isaiah volunteers. In all of Scripture, we only see one prophet of God volunteer. So enamored with God, and in appreciation of His cleansing Isaiah proclaims, “Send me! Send me!”

How in love with God are you? Are you so appreciative of what God has done in your life that you may be willing to be used of Him to spread His message? 

Today instead of indulging in putting myself in a sugar coma, I will choose to be faithful to the God who created me. What better way could there be to celebrate the anniversary of my birth? I will thank my parents for giving me life and for raising me to know Him. I will reflect on His purposes for my life, and take care of the vehicle He’s given me to spread His message. God has a unique calling and purpose for every one of us if we will let Him. His plans for us far surpass any plans we could ever dream for ourselves. He is faithful, loving, compassionate, and has extravagant love for us, giving us the perfect gift, salvation in His Name! Walk in that love, accepting His gift, His best for you!

Take some time today and read the entire chapter of Isaiah 6. It’s quite the vivid picture and will give you a chance to say too, “Here am I. Send me!”

Encouragement for Today 

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” NIV

James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” NIV

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” NIV

Ideas for Healthy Celebrations
  • Peruse the internet for healthy dessert recipes. is my favorite foodie blod.
  • Run your first 5k or mark another fitness milestone.
  • Take that fitness class you’ve always wanted to take. Kickboxing, dancing, spinning, and yoga are all great fun.
  • Have your birthday party at a park instead of a restaurant. It’s usually free and will provide great encouragement to be active.
  • If you let yourself indulge in cake, just have a cupcake. The portion is controlled, and you won’t feel deprived. And there won’t be an entire cake sitting on your kitchen counter waiting to tempt you tomorrow!
  • Have new professional photos taken.
  • Treat yourself to new workout gear.
  • Do something that’s fun and active like bowling, skating, or golfing.
  • Work out! Be sure to work out today. You’ll have more energy to celebrate!
  • Go get a new "do"
  • Buy a new outfit to show off your new curves!

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