Monday, February 4, 2013


I've been thinking a lot lately about the legacy we leave behind for our children. Heath's mom passed away recently, and as is custom, her children received things left for them in her will. Last week, Heath and I had a will made...just to protect our kids if something should happen unexpectedly.

As we were outlining our final wishes, it felt a bid morbid, scary, but I think it put a lot of things in perspective for me. We were talking about who should get custody of our children, money, property, and our material possessions. But no one ever said anything about the memory we would leave behind in their minds.

If something should happen to me and Heath today, and our children are raised by someone else, what will they remember? Will they remember parents who were stressed out and just put work ahead of them? Will they remember family dinners sat round the TV? Will they remember all the times I took my stress out on them?

I can't let that happen.

I was blessed to have a legacy of faith, unconditional love, and acceptance bestowed upon me when I was growing up. Not only that, but I was taught a tireless work ethic and the importance of loving my neighbor as myself. I want more than a fat college fund, for my children to have a legacy of holiness and Christ-likeness. I want them to remember fun family times that we spent together, and not just yearly vacations...  I want them to see the value of hard work, and the worth in investing in other people and in God's kingdom.

What can I do today in the midst of laundry, homeschool, and house renovations? I can speak kindly, hug a little longer, and teach them alongside my work. It won't take too long. I've just got to be intentional.

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