Thursday, February 7, 2013

God's Timing

God's timing has always meant one thing for me: wait. I recognize the importance of waiting on Him as well as the divine plan that only He knows for me. I recognize that God's plan is the best plan, and I wholeheartedly am open to His leading and direction.

However, God always seems to take so long! Until now. It seems that the days don't have enough time in them, and the weeks are flying by. Looming. I'm afraid we're going to miss the springtime window to list our house because it's not ready. And just when I'm getting a grasp that we have three weeks to finish, someone expresses interest. Serious interest. I'm over-the-moon happy that someone wants our house, and I'm thrilled at the prospect of who wants it. It's someone we know.

It's someone we know. It's someone we care about. Therefore, my heart, soul, and most thoughts are centered toward doing what's best for the people interested in our house. I want to do a good job on the renovations, and I want to help these people any way I can. Therefore...there's more stress.

God's timing seems to be coming pretty quickly these days...there's no waiting around this time. He's! So fast in fact that my back hurts, my thighs are screaming, and my feet just want to stop!

It's a mystery to me. Why do I always wait and wait and wait impatiently for God to move, and then when He does, I'm screaming, "Slow down!" His strength is perfect for me, and these days, I'm just praying for stamina. How can I follow Him when I'm running ahead or running behind?

I have no doubt that He will help us to get things completed in the timeframe He has in mind. But will I be ready? Or will my inward-bent nature try to control the situation (and timeline) once again?

If I'm honest, what I'm most worried about is me...and Heath. Will we be able to go to work still and work on the house when we're off? Will we have any time at all to spend together? We work well together, but believe me, we do have our intense moments of fellowship from time to time.

I don't know if there's an answer to the questions or situations that plague my mind, but I'm trust Him to lead, provide, guide, and move.

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