Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Body of Christ

I cried myself to sleep last night and then continued this morning when I woke up. Someone, another Christian, has hurt me deeply, and the bad thing about it is...they know it, and they do not care. I think, in fact, they may get joy from knowing that they've hurt me. I admit that I threw a pity party most of the day.

I sincerely hope that I've never hurt someone in such a way. It seems to me that wound hurt worse when it's from within the body of Christ. Why, if we are of one body, do we continue to hurt others? Why do we intentionally, carnally, go after blood, so to speak, just so we can get our way or feel justified in our opinions?

I told my husband last night that the worst hurts of my life have come from someone in the church. And it's true. There's nothing that hurts worse than hearing cut-downs and malicious talk from someone that's supposed to be an edifying presence in our lives. I may be too sensitive. I may take things the wrong way sometimes, and I may be hesitant to receive constructive criticism. I've tried to work on that, and I honestly believe that I've come a long way.

But in this instance, I left my heart open and vulnerable to this attack of Satan. And that is what it is...it's an attack of Satan. But it's hard to understand how Satan can possible use someone that is supposed to be a Christian.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not calling the person who hurt me demon possessed. But I do think that sometimes people's personal opinions, dogmas, and bad attitudes get in the way of God using them, and they inadvertently become a tool of Satan. In our carnal state, Satan breeds things like contempt, fear, and pride in the heart of an off-their-guard believer, and before you know it, contempt, fear, and pride have been bred into the body of Christ as well.

This afternoon, I was crying to my friend, and she said, "I know our trust is supposed to be in God, and not in people, but we are supposed to be a "body." I feel like the body is like a person that cuts himself." How true. She's referring of course, 1 Corinthians 12:24-27 that says, "But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. 27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. "

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why can't we care for one another in the same way that we care for our own physical bodies. I know that times of hurt are going to come, but when that happens, why can't we administer caring treatment and not further damage?

My conclusions were:

1) Pain is a part of life. While I can't put my hope in people, I should understand that pain is a sign that the body is sick. I have the ability to administer care where it is needed.
2) I pray that I am more aware to the feelings of others around me...and that I care enough to do something about them.

What about you? Have you done something to damage the body? Are you doing your part in the body?  I think the body needs a physical.

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