Monday, July 27, 2015

What Two Weeks of Being Lazy Does to Your Body

While checking the email this morning, I ran across an interesting article.

"What two Weeks of Being Lazy Does to Your Body," published by Yahoo! Health.

It was interesting to say the least, and confirmed what I already had witnessed in my own experiences. Basically, when you don't use your muscle, you lose it.

It also reminds me of our spiritual lives. When we don't interact with our Savior, lack of prayer, lack of Bible reading, our spiritual strength is diminished. We may feel overwhelming anxiety where peace used to reign. We may be easily frustrated, contrary to when we were walking closely with God.

Summertime is easy to slack off of church attendance, filling our calendars with other exciting things to do. But God is still there, and our souls still need feeding.

To read the actual article:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the kick in the pants. Missed seeing this when you posted it.
