Friday, March 28, 2014


Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother [sister] is born for adversity." Friendship was never meant to be shared with someone for pure recreation and enjoyment. It was never solely meant for sharing good and fun times with others. However, it was a relationship created by God to strength one another, to encourage one another, and to walk with one another on days that are hard, bad, scary, and downright terrible.

My heart is heavy today. Today is my last day to live in Northwest Arkansas, and today is the day it's final.

These are my friends Kasey (left) and Melissa (right). The kind of friendship we've shared thus far has been far from the typical lunch dates and birthday party celebrations. I met both of them when they visited the church I pastored.

Melissa and her husband were first. I remember the day like it was yesterday. A few Sundays before Easter, it was a cold and windy day, and I was standing in the foyer, excited that we had visitors. Heath and I invited them over for dinner, and we became fast friends. Kasey and her boys visited for the first time about a year later, and I was excited when they returned the second Sunday! Her husband was able to come then too, and the three of us (as well as our husbands and children) soon started our weekly Sunday lunch dates.

I honestly believe that God put us together for the tumultuous times that we didn't even know were ahead. We've walked together through health issues, family/marriage issues, financial hardships, job changes, illnesses, and just plain 'ole bad days (and plenty of good ones too). We grieve when one of us grieves, and we share in one another's joy.

You see, this is the kind of friendship that tells the truth, even when it hurts, is uncomfortable, or makes us angry! We've committed to encourage one another and hold one another accountable in our lives and more importantly, in our relationship with Christ. We want what's best for one another, even if it's not what we want to hear!

Proverbs 24:26 says, "Giving an honest answer is the sign of true friendship."

For the past (almost) two years, I haven't been their pastor. But I'm still their friend. And they're still mine. We've met (we've tried) to meet once a week to catch up and do Bible Study, and share the Word of the Lord. A relational bond is quite strong. Emotional ties are hard to break, but a spiritual bond...those ties are impossible to break.

Even if I never live in close driving distance to these two ever again, I have a spiritual bond that will never be forgotten. How I'm thankful that God joins people together in friendship. And oh, how I'm thankful for technology that will allow us to see and keep in contact with one another.

Today, I have to deal with the fact that this is my last night in Northwest Arkansas, and I can no longer drive to the local McDonald's to see them in person. But I'll be thankful that my God knows no distance  and holds us all in his hand.

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