Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No Greater Joy

Tonight the kids and I were driving home. As has become our custom lately, when it's just them and me, we sing together along with the radio or my ipod. After about the 3rd song, sung in 3 part harmony, I realized that my childhood has come full circle.

When I was a kid, my family would sing in the car. Our parents didn't just engage in their own conversation in the front seat, leaving us to sit quietly in the back. They engaged us, and I honestly believe that because of this, my sister and I love to sing Christian music to this day.

I want my kids to sing. I want them to feel free to praise the Lord in song, any chance they get, and I honestly think...it just might be working!

While I was driving, I was thinking about the words they were singing. I don't even know if they realize the words they're singing, but they've got them memorized. They're singing lines such as...

"We want to praise Jesus for His many blessings, He's been so good to us"
"I'm not gonna walk away, I've got too much at stake. I've come to far to turn back now!"
"I could never praise Him enough"
"Tell the mountain just how big your God is!"

I'm so thrilled that they're memorizing these words...but I know, they're not just words. Just like when I was a kid singing songs that were full of words, those words have proven to come back to me in times when I needed them most.

I thought of the seeds that are being sown through those songs, and it makes my heart smile.

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