Friday, November 4, 2011

Never in my "Wildest" Dreams

Today I was viciously attacked by 2 dogs. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would've even been in a position to get attacked. I was going to feed my church attender's dogs this weekend while she was out of town, so I stopped by this morning for her to "show" me how to do it. During her dog feeding lesson, 2 of her dogs started to fight with one another. She was attempting to break them up when 2 of her other dogs attacked me. The whole thing probably lasted 60 seconds, but it was the longest 60 seconds of my life. One clamped down on my upper right arm and wouldn't let go. His jaws were locked. The other bit and bit and bit on my lower left arm and left leg until I was left a bloody and sickening mess. I somehow got away and ran to the car where Heath and the kids were waiting. They had no idea of what had just happened. My flesh was hanging out of my shirt and the kids were terrified.

As we drove to the hospital, I could hear Faith sobbing and praying for me. The only thing I could think about was trying to comfort her and reassure her that everything would be "okay," although I admit, I didn't really know what "okay" was going to be. I just knew that God was in control and that as long as God is still God, we're "okay."

I won't bore you further with the gory details, but I am burdened for my church attender. Most people would ask why I feel sorry for the owner of these vicious animals...yes, they are vicious. I mentioned earlier that she is a church attender along with her husband who have become our friends. She's a babe in Christ, and her husband still has yet to know Christ. I don't know how, and I don't know when, but I know that my reaction to them during this time will reflect upon Christ. I cannot and so desperately am afraid of tarnishing His image to them and to the Church watching on.

I am burdened and am very careful about the image I portray, not just as a pastor but as a Christian who bears His very Name. When we are wronged, attacked, mistreated, disrespected, abused, overlooked, battered, and gossiped about, our reaction reflects upon Him. How do you respond? Will He be proud of you?

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