Thursday, July 30, 2015


1 Corinthians 3:17, "If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred. And you are that temple." NIV

Every Sunday, my family and I pass these buildings pictured in the photos. Driving through the Mississippi Delta has always been intriguing to me for many different reasons, mainly images such as these. Sprawling southern plantations, miles of crops, very few bends in the road, and abandoned buildings largely make up the landscape. You never know what's coming up next.

But the intrigue of these two buildings captivated me for months. Finally, one day, we stopped to take a photo. Every time we would pass the buildings, I wondered what could've happened. The barn surely was at one time alive with activity. I could only imagine what kind of animals this barn could've housed, providing shelter and safety from the elements. And what happened to this building below? Someone surely spent a lot of money constructing the frame of this building, with aspirations of a profitable business. But somewhere along the line, both structures faced abandon. The reasons? One can only speculate. The barn just simply wasn't maintained. As one can visibly see, it's obviously been left to itself for quite some time, judging by the height of the debris that's grown around it. The metal building? Maybe the owner ran out of money...there just simply wasn't enough to finish the job?

I can only imagine what could've been. I love old barns. If the rotting wood could've simply been replaced, and if the land around it could've been maintained, it could still be a viable shelter for farm animals. If the metal building could've been completed, it could've been a sustainable business, providing options and jobs for locals, and providing a great income for the owners.

Either way, their journey wasn't complete. The barn and the metal building are both still standing...but they're in bad shape.

Paul writes in this section of Corinthians again about how we are God's temple. And he speaks also about the Corinthians' lack of maturity. He starts them off "with milk," but still, they haven't grown to the point where they can receive the more solid "food" of the Word. They are still babes, having not grown past the infant stage. Here in this chapter, Paul continues on that just because time has passed, doesn't mean that they've grown in their spiritual maturity, and they haven't grown in wisdom. But in verse, 16-17, he reiterates that as the temple of God, meaning God lives in them, they are to care for themselves spiritually, seeking to grow in maturity, and to grow in wisdom. Therefore, they can't stop where they are! They must press on. Their journey isn't complete. No matter what...their journey isn't ever complete.

Likewise, in our physical journeys, we're never done. I know that's not fun to hear. When I was in the process of losing 90 pounds, all I could think about was my goal number. I naively thought that when I reached that goal, everything would be so much easier. Oh, but it isn't. I'm not trying to be a downer, but it's the truth. Once we reach the goal, we have to maintain it.

Think about the barn pictured above. I'm sure when it was newly constructed, it was beautiful, strong, and lovely to see from the road. But over the years, the neglect took it over. The metal building never really got completed. The owners just stopped somewhere along the way. And look at it now.

Whether we're in the middle of a journey to become healthier than we are at the moment, or whether we've reached our goal and are now maintaining, we can't stop! We must press on.

Where are you? Are you in the middle of a journey, struggling with the attitude of complacency? Or have you reached your goal and are now struck with the realization that maintaining is just as hard as losing it to begin with?Let me reassure you that it's worth it. As someone who has struggled with both concepts, I can reassure you's worth it!

Where are you spiritually? Have you become complacent? Press in to Him. It's worth it!

Interested in more devotions and encouragement like this? Check out my new book FitFaith, a Seven Week Weight-Loss Devotional Journal, now available on Amazon!

Monday, July 27, 2015

What Two Weeks of Being Lazy Does to Your Body

While checking the email this morning, I ran across an interesting article.

"What two Weeks of Being Lazy Does to Your Body," published by Yahoo! Health.

It was interesting to say the least, and confirmed what I already had witnessed in my own experiences. Basically, when you don't use your muscle, you lose it.

It also reminds me of our spiritual lives. When we don't interact with our Savior, lack of prayer, lack of Bible reading, our spiritual strength is diminished. We may feel overwhelming anxiety where peace used to reign. We may be easily frustrated, contrary to when we were walking closely with God.

Summertime is easy to slack off of church attendance, filling our calendars with other exciting things to do. But God is still there, and our souls still need feeding.

To read the actual article:

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Peace in the Midst of the Chaos

Psalm 143:8 "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life."

This day promises to bring chaos. Before I ever got off the mattress on the floor this morning, I knew that today would be hectic. I promise to share more details later as to why I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor, but for now, just let me say, life is crazy busy for our family.

We're in transition...and it's a good transition. But it's crazy. I'm uncertain right now where we're spending the night. In fact, I'm uncertain where we're staying for the next 4 weeks! Yikes! Yes, yikes. We have sold our home due to the fact that my husband got a promotion and a transfer at one time. Yay! But then, we sold our house in only a day and a half! We have nowhere to go, and our new house doesn't close for another month. The relocation department doesn't seem to be in a big hurry, and they don't seem to care that we're displaced for the next 4 weeks...starting, ahem...TODAY.

We're hurriedly trying to clean our home and say goodbye to friends we've made. It's sad, hard, exciting, and did I mention...crazy, all at one time!

When I got up this morning, I immediately drank my Advocare Spark and set about cleaning, organizing, throwing out, and loading up things, frantic to get things accomplished. As my family peacefully slept, I couldn't help but feel blessed as I watched them, all in a line on mattresses in my bedroom floor. But I needed their help! Grudgingly, they got up, only to discover that we had nothing for breakfast. In my frantic cleaning mode last night, I gave all of our food away to the neighbor, secretly patting myself on the back for doing a good deed and not letting the food go to waste. I didn't think about the fact that there would be nothing for breakfast. My husband went to grab some biscuits, I barked orders for the kids to get in the tub so that I could clean the bathroom, and I hastily continued my work.

The whole time, though, I'm concerned about the fact that the relocation department hasn't confirmed our temporary housing arrangements. I'm packing to go somewhere....I just don't know where. And for all of you women out know how hard it is to pack to go to an unknown place! We ate our biscuits, my inwardly cringing at the calorie count, but all the while, I kept feeling the pull of the Lord. I have so much to do, yet, I needed, wanted, longed to spend time with my Lord.

So I opened my Bible here to Psalm 143, and I rested on verse 8, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." Immediately I was reminded that every. single. morning. brings me Word of His unfailing love. Long ago, I put my trust in God, and I continue to trust Him every. single. day.

Am I trusting in the relocation department? Am I trusting in two houses, made my brick and wood? Am I trusting in my ability to get it all together? Am I trusting in my bank account to pay all of the unexpected expenses?

But earlier in the chapter, verse 5 speaks as well, "I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done."

Over and over in my life, I've seen His hands at work. He's worked things out, and moved in ways that I never couldn't imagined for myself. He's blessed me beyond measure and more abundantly than I could've asked. How could I be afraid now?

He's brought us so far. He won't fail now!

What is going on in your life right now? Has your morning been hectic even before you've gotten out of bed? Invest the time to spend with Him. I can't promise that your day with go more smoothly, but I can promise peace in the midst of the chaos.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Pity Party

I'm blogging again today at Joy From Grace! You can check it out at